Friday, November 19, 2010


An Herb to Help Diabetics Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Lose Their Sweet Tooth!
By Beverleigh H Piepers

The primary form of medicine for a huge number people in the world, is TRADITIONAL MEDICINE not western medicine. However, the use of traditional medicine is rapidly increasing in industrialized countries... we are now in the midst of a 'herbal renaissance'. In China, traditional herbal medicine accounts for up to 50% of their total medicinal use.

The South Asian herb gurmar is often called the 'slayer of sweetness'. Scientific studies support its traditional use in the treatment of diabetes.

Gymnema Sylvestre or Gurmar:

Also known by it's scientific name, Gymnema sylvestre, gurmar dulls the taste buds for tasting sweet foods on your tongue. Although almost all the studies of gurmar in modifying taste preferences have been done with laboratory animals, the one study employing human volunteers confirmed that humans too don't taste sugar after your tongue has been in contact with gurmar.

Gurmar or Gymnema Sylvestre, has been tested in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics:

TYPE 1 DIABETICS: It is not, as sometimes reported, a cure for insulin dependent diabetes. Type 1 diabetics may be able to control their blood sugar levels with considerably less insulin if they take the herb, but they will still need some injected insulin. One study found Type 1 diabetics taking a Gymnema extract for six to 8 months had a 23% reduction in their fasting blood sugar levels therefore being able to reduce their insulin dose.
Type 2 diabetes: In a study of Type 2 diabetics which took place for over 20 months, people taking 400 milligrams each day of a Gymnema extract (as a supplement to their conventional oral medications), had reductions in their blood sugar levels. The researchers also noticed a significant reduction in their HbA1c levels.

One of the most impressive aspects of the study was that 21 of the 22 people involved significantly reduced their doses of oral medications and five managed to discontinue their medications totally.

But only after taking the herb for over 18 months.

In Summary:

Since the importance of gurmar (Gymnema sylvestre) is in killing your 'sweet tooth', it's better to use a tincture (which comes in actual contact with your tongue), than it is to take a capsule or a pill. If you take gurmar for at least 18 months, the ability of the beta cells of your pancreas may be increased so that you have better control over your blood sugar levels and less need for medication.

The effect on the appeal of sweets is immediate, but the effect on diabetic physiology takes one to two years.

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You will then have access to information diabetics have requested over recent months.

Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.

Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Article Source: [!&id=4782830] An Herb to Help Diabetics Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Lose Their Sweet Tooth!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Do you worry about getting diabetes? I know I do as diabetes is a problem within my family. I personally do not have diabetes at this point time but I watched my father contract diabetes in his mid-50s and eventually died from complications related to diabetes at age 63. The advice and going to offer you is from my personal experience only and I am not a physician.

I've researched many different diseases in my quest to learn more about how our bodies work and there has been too overriding factors that help avoid or control several problems that can occur with the body. Those two factors are diet and exercise. If you have a poor diet or do not exercise properly your chances of contracting diabetes raises dramatically. Now if it's hereditary you may still get diabetes at one point or another until you get diabetes issue to everyone you can to help keep it at bay.

I personally have taken the point of exercise and proper eating seriously. Let me offer you some pointers that I follow every day. First I believe it's important to get out and exercise at least five times a week. I like to take a good 30 to 60 minutes brisk walk every day. It's really wonderful if you get your family involved with it. I find that my son or my wife like to go with me each day. The company helps make the walk of by very quickly. They will also motivate you to get out many just don't feel like getting it. I also like the difference in rhythm of the walk between my son and my wife. My son is 16 years old and likes to walk very fast. So when I walked with him, I get a very vigorous workout. My wife on the other hand is only about 5 feet 6 inches in her stride is a lot smaller than my son's. Walks with her are not as strenuous, but still worthwhile and enjoyable.

Next I really have to watch what I eat. Gone are the days when I can binge on hamburgers and hotdogs. I still enjoy hamburgers and hotdogs here and there but I have to watch how money I eat over time. Also I do try to get more vegetables and fruits in my diet. Plus I think having a good multivitamin helps a lot too. I've also been toying with the idea of taking antioxidants as well. I try to make sure it eat at meal times only and only take one helping. To be honest, I do cheat on their helpings. But also make myself responsible to stepping on the scales everyday to check my weight. If I start seeing my weight climb, I know that I'm starting too much and I have to ease up on eating a bit.

So that's how I protect myself against diabetes. Only time will tell that works in the end but right now it helps me feel great.

Frank has been an avid article writer and blogger for about two years. Check out his latest website [] Being an avid table tennis player, he takes a look at purchasing an []outdoor table tennis table reviewing the pros and cons of such a purchase.

Article Source: [] Protect Yourself Against Diabetes